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Mark Connolly
Aug 11, 202211 min read
How far did More’s Utopia subvert the central principles of Renaissance humanism?
Thomas More’s 1515 text Utopia (fully titled On the Best State of a Commonwealth and on the New Island of Utopia) has become one of the...

Abigail Blackwell
Jun 6, 20228 min read
Historical scholarship: a linguistic artefact and product of the creative imagination of its author?
Postmodernist readings of ‘linguistic artefact’ refers to the platitudes and metaphors employed by an author, which supersedes their...
Arron Cockell
Jun 6, 202213 min read
Fascism and the Ontology of Man
Fascism proves to be a term that has been stretched in every direction. In doing so, the accommodation of who constitutes a “fascist” has...

Leandro Vargas Llosa
May 30, 202216 min read
Auferstehung der Idee: The Role of Ideas in Karl Marx and their Neglect in Friedrich Engels
Introduction Karl Marx wrote extensively about history, but he never published, at least in his own lifetime, a theory so comprehensive...

Arron Cockell
May 30, 202213 min read
The Masculine Paradigm in the Study of Fascism
The masculine paradigm cannot be detached from the ideology of fascism. With the strong notions of blood and the staunchness of virility...
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