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Sean Paterson
Mar 26, 202313 min read
‘Yet doe the Chinoyse much exceede us’: images of China in an early modern English atlas
Early modern English perceptions of China, as expressed in surviving print materials, occupy a liminal intellectual zone, suspended...

Will Kingston-Cox
Mar 25, 202311 min read
To what extent can Stalin’s policy of industrialisation be considered a success?
The implementation of Stalinist industrialisation, between 1928 and 1941, transformed the Soviet economy into a modern economic...

Molly Davies
Mar 25, 202310 min read
“Vice” and media sensationalism as a significant focus for public anxieties in 1950's London
1950s London, an increasingly cosmopolitan capital city, witnessed “vice” pushed to the forefront of public anxieties. Vice came in the...

Will Kingston-Cox
Dec 13, 20228 min read
Was the revolt in Zanzibar of 1964 determined by race or ideology?
The argument that the revolt in Zanzibar of 1964—the Zanzibar Revolution—was determined by a sole determinant, in a binary choice between...

Xenofon Kalogeropoulos
Nov 10, 202220 min read
A heap of masks buried in Syrian sands: The faces of Queen Zenobia and the woman behind them
In the turbulent days of the late third century CE, in the year 268, a frontier region of the Roman empire, Palmyra, crucial in the...

Chantelle Lee
Nov 10, 20229 min read
Native Americans and the ‘Plan for Civilisation’, c.1783 - 1830
Following the American Revolution, the new United States’ desire for more land was at the forefront of policy. Although the Indigenous...

Harriet Solomon
Nov 10, 202212 min read
Arab Strategy in the 1948 War
On the 29th November 1947, the UN General Assembly voted to partition Palestine. Following decades of struggle between its Jewish and...

Dorothy Greene
Oct 20, 202215 min read
Shah Abbas: Founder of Iranian Modernity or Upholder of Tradition?
Shah Abbas I, the ruler of the Safavid empire from the late sixteenth to the mid-seventeenth century, was accorded a legendary reputation...

William Minter
Sep 29, 202225 min read
The 'Globalisation' of the Hellenistic Age
As with most cultural processes in the ancient world, whether they be ethnic identities or cultural exchange and interconnectivity, the...

Mark Connolly
Sep 29, 202212 min read
The Association of Sin with Filth and Stench in Later Medieval Christianity
Few things preoccupied the medieval Christian church more than the notion of sin: because of mankind’s propensity to corruption the...

Sarah Brady
Sep 19, 202233 min read
Fanaticism, Sensationalism and Obsession during the Lunacy Panics of 19th Century England
Abstract Victorian society has often been thought of one of upstanding morals, rigid etiquette and sombre tones. Yet the lunacy panics...

Dorothy Greene
Sep 19, 202216 min read
The Political Uses of Art Patronage in the Timurid and Safavid Empires
The Timurid and Safavid empires were vast and in perennial fluctuation. This meant that the leaders of these polities required highly...

Tanya Singh
Aug 11, 20229 min read
Early Modern Catholicism: Not as European as Once Imagined
The Catholic Reformation, or Renewal began with the Council of Trent 1545 to 1563, and endeavoured to update the Catholic Church to an...

Mark Connolly
Aug 11, 202211 min read
How far did More’s Utopia subvert the central principles of Renaissance humanism?
Thomas More’s 1515 text Utopia (fully titled On the Best State of a Commonwealth and on the New Island of Utopia) has become one of the...

Daisy Gant
Aug 11, 202210 min read
Khrushchev's new image of leadership post-Stalin
Introduction: In the wake of Stalin’s death, the Soviet Union witnessed a power struggle at the top of the Central Committee. This saw...

Xenofon Kalogeropoulos
Aug 3, 202219 min read
Between Control and Compromise: The Establishment of Spain’s American Empire
The Spanish Empire at its height spanned most of the American continent, from California to the southernmost reaches of Chile, and...

Ross Hardy
Aug 2, 20226 min read
Review: Elizabeth Kiddy's Blacks of the Rosary: Memory and History in Minas Gerais, Brazil
Since the initial establishment of the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary in Brazil as a means of unifying and recreating ethnic identities...

Daisy Gant
Aug 2, 202210 min read
Charles of Anjou: a success or failure?
Charles of Anjou is a controversial figure in Medieval history. Remembered for the Sicilian Vespers in 1282 and the subsequent loss of...

Katie Heggs
Jul 23, 202214 min read
Policy or Place: which determined the genocide of European Jews?
The genocide of the European Jews is an issue debated in much historiography – through opposing schools of thoughts arguing for an...

Chantelle Lee
Jul 23, 202210 min read
Was emancipation during the Civil War driven more by military necessity than moral conviction?
The standard popular narrative of the American Civil War is that it was a war fought to end slavery, pitched between the slaveholding...
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