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Harriet Solomon
Jul 23, 202214 min read
Review: Jalal Al-e Ahmad's 'Westoxification'
Introduction Since its initial publication in 1962, Jalal Al-e Ahmad’s ‘Westoxification’ has been adopted, co-opted, and distorted by...

Duru Akin
Jul 23, 20228 min read
Science as a Tool for Creating ‘Others’ Within European Societies
During the period between late nineteenth century and the end of the Second World War, science became a tool for categorizing and...

Will Kingston-Cox
Jul 4, 202214 min read
How important was Soviet support for Ethiopia's Derg regime?
The Derg,[1] or the Provisional Military Administration Council (PMAC), was the revolutionary military regime, led by Haile Mariam...

Matthew Ainsby
Jul 4, 20228 min read
What did Early European Modern rebels aim to achieve?
The most common historiographical stance regarding early modern revolts is that rebels were motivated by ‘blind rage’ and their actions...

Eliott Rose
Jun 20, 20229 min read
Bad Gays: Issues with HIV activism in gay historiography
The dignified homosexual feels ashamed of every queer who flaunts his faggotry, making the dignified homosexual’s stigma more justifiable...

Leandro Vargas Llosa
Jun 20, 202215 min read
New Latin American Cold War Historiography and the coups of Guatemala in 1954 and Chile in 1973
Recent Latin American Cold War historiography attempts to transcend scholarship in the 80s and 90s that tethered the region’s Cold War...

Matthew Ainsby
Jun 20, 20229 min read
The influence of gender relations in the South on the ideology of slavery between 1670 and 1865
The ideology of slavery, defined in this essay as the notion of complete ownership and mastery of African American slaves that centred...

Eliott Rose
Jun 6, 20226 min read
Bodies, Confused: Doing Transgender History
November 2019. I’m sitting distracted in a lecture on late medieval London: half paying attention, half thinking about what I needed to...

Japneet Hayer
Jun 6, 202211 min read
Gendered Slavery: the influence of gender in shaping slaves' narratives and experiences
When reading the narratives of formerly enslaved people, there are distinct differences in both the form of their narrative styles and...

Abigail Blackwell
Jun 6, 20228 min read
Historical scholarship: a linguistic artefact and product of the creative imagination of its author?
Postmodernist readings of ‘linguistic artefact’ refers to the platitudes and metaphors employed by an author, which supersedes their...
Arron Cockell
Jun 6, 202213 min read
Fascism and the Ontology of Man
Fascism proves to be a term that has been stretched in every direction. In doing so, the accommodation of who constitutes a “fascist” has...

Charlotte Hocquet
Jun 6, 202220 min read
Consumption as an analytical category for understanding the Safavid state and its society
Legend has it that coffee beans were first discovered in Ethiopia by a goat herder who had noticed his goats become more energetic and...

Molly Davies
Jun 6, 202212 min read
A Unifying Force for Christianity and the Roman Empire: The Council of Nicaea
The Council of Nicaea was the first ecumenical council of Christendom, held from May to August of AD 325. Emperor Constantine the Great...

Leandro Vargas Llosa
May 30, 202216 min read
Auferstehung der Idee: The Role of Ideas in Karl Marx and their Neglect in Friedrich Engels
Introduction Karl Marx wrote extensively about history, but he never published, at least in his own lifetime, a theory so comprehensive...

Hannah Newman
May 30, 20229 min read
The influence of ideas and practices on elite roman houses in the late republic and early empire
Ideas and practices of the Roman elite undeniably altered and informed the design and decoration of their houses and villas. Whilst the...

Harriet Solomon
May 30, 202212 min read
Mediation and Facilitation: Peace Talks in the Arab-Israeli War
Any peace process involving the presence of a third party raises questions as to the nature and extent of this participation. With...

Arron Cockell
May 30, 202213 min read
The Masculine Paradigm in the Study of Fascism
The masculine paradigm cannot be detached from the ideology of fascism. With the strong notions of blood and the staunchness of virility...

Anton Higgins
May 24, 202212 min read
A Gendered Monarchy? How, and to what extent, did gender influence early modern English Monarchy?
The extent to which the ‘gendered’ element or, more simply, gender prejudices shaped society, relative to their theoretical rigidity, is...

Anton Higgins
May 22, 20225 min read
Review: E.P. Thompson's Customs in Common
Customs in Common consolidated E. P. Thompson’s renown as a brilliantly original historian, provocative and passionate though always...

Anton Higgins
May 22, 202211 min read
History and Power: Did African History empower Africans in the 20th Century?
African history has reflected and shaped internal and external power relations, particularly between Western and African peoples. It has...
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